About Us
Asquith Rugby League Cricket Club is located on the upper north shore of Sydney near Hornsby. We aim to provide a safe, welcoming and fun environment for people of all ages to play cricket. We have programs that cater for kids as young as 4 starting their cricket journey, through to junior cricket and then seniors cricket. Juniors and seniors play on Saturdays in competitions run by the HK&HDCA (Hornsby Kuring-gai & Hills District Cricket Association).
Where We Play & Train
Multiple Venues
Matches are played at multiple venues across the Hornsby Shire Council, Ku-ring-gai Council and Hill Shire Council areas. This area is roughly bounded by Arcadia, Glenorie, Annangrove, Castle Hill, Cherrybrook, Cheltenham, South Turramurra, Pymble, St Ives, Brooklyn and Cowan.
Storey Park, Asquith
Training is on Thursday afternoons/evenings at Storey Park for Juniors and Seniors
Our Committee
Steve Loccisano
Junior Co-Ordinator
Paul McLaren
Jose Da Silva
Sponsorship Co-Ordinator
Peter Daly
Tim Kluger
Play HQ & Website
Simon Arthur